This is a reply I wrote for my friend Neil's blog post....
well I don't know about all that. I am a very busy man and don't really have the time to read blogs like these, but I had my assistant give me the gist of it and I must strongly disagree (because I never do anything weakly)...
I mean what's wrong with orphans flying kites in the rain? they don't have parents for god sakes they should be able to fly a kites in what every situation they want, in the rain, in the snow, at the bottom of the sea, where ever. These kids have led very challenging lives and what ever twisted act of anti-social behavior gives them a glimmer of light in their' hopelessly pointless lives is more than acceptable in my book (the Exorcist). Further more as a being capable of reproduction I would actually prefer rainy days being specifically for orphan kite flying. I don't like the thought of one of my own unwanted children sharing a park, or mountain field with a brunch of orphans. Because really, who can enjoy kite flying with that around? I mean have you ever watched an orphan fly a kite? They don't smile they don't run or laugh, they don't even look up at the kite, they just hold the sting and stand in place and look at their' shoes. I once saw one, her kite wasn't even in the air. Instead it lay on the ground a just a few feet anyway from her. Sometimes catching little gusts of wind that would lift a corner just enough to give the slightest bit of hope that it might take off and sore high above the threes, and be lifted to a place free from the horrors of this world. Free from gruel, free from scrubbing floor, free from neglect, and free from group toilets. But alas, the corner would dip and the despondent girl, standing so still it was as though her legs were as broken as her heart, string still in hand, let out the slightest sigh, barely visible to the naked eye followed by the gentle rhythm of silent sobbing. Depressing, is this special brand of kite agony something I want my little punishments from God exposed to? No, because it would be my job as a broken spirited absentee parent to protect them from real life. So in summation you are a monster everything you think is wrong, and you should get on your knees and thank me for this brief exposure to my genius.
Brad Taylor (dictated but not read)